Friday, July 28, 2006

what the heck is wikipedia?

What the heck is Wikipedia?

Wikipedia is a free encyclopedia that anyone can contribute to writing. It produces results for almost any topic you can imagine. I reference Wikipedia often in my blogs and it's a very useful tool for users to find information on a wide array of stuff! If you're looking for information, check out Wikipedia and find what you've been searching for today!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

jumpin' jack

Just what is a JumpDrive?

A jumpdrive or flash storage unit is a media device that plugs in to your computer's USB connection. It's kind-of like a portable floppy drive or portable external hard drive. When you connect the drive to you pc's USB connection, it appears as a drive on 'My Computer' and once it does, you can drag and drop files onto the drive just as you would normally copy files to another drive. The thing is, they are very small and powerful drives that are about the size of a lipstick you can easily carry in your briefcase or purse. You can buy them in many different storage capacity sizes and take your files from your work pc to your home pc and vice versa. It's a very handy little device for users who need to transfer data from one pc to another, then back.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

resizing groups of photos all in one shot

Photo Tip
Do you ever have a ton of photos that you need to resize so you can upload them and not take up all your bandwidth? Most digital cameras that are available now have the capability of taking poster size photographs if you wanted to print them that large. With the increase in Megapixel rating on the digital cameras out there now, also comes a large increase in the file size and storage space required to save or email the files. I have a tip that I use when my camera is loaded with images that I've taken at a very high resolution, but need to upload them onto a server and decrease the size. When you download the pictures from you camera to your pc, save them, then select them all, right click on 1 of the pics, then choose 'Send to,' then 'Mail Recipient.' If you're running XP, a box will come up that allows you to make all the pictures smaller, choose this or choose 'show me more options' and from there, either choose small, medium, or large (I usually choose large or medium). Once you've done this, all the pics you selected will attach themselves to the email. Then, you simply email the photos to yourself and when you get the email, you have all the same photos in smaller file size that's easier and quicker to upload to the web and certain other applications!

Monday, July 10, 2006

keyboard malfunctioning - what to do?

Why should I clean my keyboard?
Because dirt, dust, hair, cookie crumbs, etc, can build up causing the keyboard to malfunction.

How to clean the keybord: Some people clean their keyboard by turning it upside down and shaking it to let whatever debris has lodged itself under the keys fall out onto the desktop. A better way to do this is to blow the keyboard out using compressed air. Compressed air is pressurized air inside a can that has an optional tube attached to the side (usually with tape) kind of like WD-40 (don't use that on your keyboard, though)... All you need to do is turn the keyboard upside down then aim the air between the keys and blow away all of the dust and debris that has gathered there. You can use a vacuum cleaner, but be careful that you don't suck up any of your keys!

Another reason to clean your keyboard is to ward off germs especially if you have more than 1 user on a particular PC. You need to turn the system off first, then spray a disinfectant on a cloth and wipe the keyboard and allow to dry. Don't spray anything directly on your keyboard (or any other part of your system, either)...

Monday, July 03, 2006

nasty computer viruses...

Why do people create computer viruses? You tell me and we'll both know...

A computer virus is a self-replicating computer program written to alter the way a computer operates, without the permission or knowledge of the user. Though the term is commonly used to refer to a range of malware, a true virus must replicate itself, and must execute itself. The later criteria is often met by a virus which replaces existing executable files with a virus-infected copy. While viruses can be intentionally destructive—destroying data, for example—some viruses are benign or merely annoying.

I've had a few computer viruses over the years and they are definitely annoying and sometimes can wreak havoc on your system, but the best way to combat the problem is to have an antivirus program running with up-to-date definitions!

Some free versions of antivirus programs are available at:
AVG Antivirus
Avast Antivirus
Avira AntiVir Antivirus