Monday, June 18, 2007

PPAP Information

No, I didn't type it wrong - it's not something you have to go to the "big hand" doctor for your yearly physical...

It's Production Part Approval Process or in QA speak, PPAP, one of the many, never-ending acronyms we use on a daily basis...

I'm working on a Level 3 PPAP for a new product for an OEM customer. For those of you who aren't familiar with what a PPAP is, check out the PPAP article on If you're familiar with a level 3 PPAP, you know I have a lot of work ahead of me and less time for blogging...

I've been working on a better way to create the PPAP book, yes, the information gathered will fill a 3" or 4" ring binder to the max. One thing that I'd really like to develop is a meaningful spreadsheet or database that interprets dimensional tolerances for different types of callouts on prints. Anyone have any ideas?

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