Thursday, December 14, 2006

Office Security System

About 2 years ago, my boss bought a Sony Handycam DVD which cost the company nearly $1000. We used it twice to record some instructional videos, then about three weeks later, we needed to record a video detailing the installation process for one of our new products. We couldn't find the Handycam anywhere and we let our HR department know about it. It was then we discovered a rash of reports of various missing items including cash stolen right out of ladies purses. After it all came to light, the stealing quieted. But now, I'm hearing that a couple of people have reported things missing in their offices - it seems to happen around this time of the year. I think it's time someone install a Security System and use some bait to catch whoever is doing this. There's a portable Security System by LaserShield that is easy to install, expandable, with 24/7 monitoring available at Comp USA, Home Depot, Costco, Kmart, Montgomery Ward, Sears and more; I'm going to let the plant manager know about this before anything else goes missing...

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