Wednesday, November 07, 2007

canon A520 burst mode...

I've had my Canon A520 Digital Camera for about 2 years now and its been a good, solid camera. I mainly use it for my property inspection job, but I also take photos of fishing trips, grandkids, and various potential blog fodder.

Sometimes when doing property inspections, I only am requested to drive by the property to perform a visual inspection and am not to make any contact. But often, even though I'm not to make contact, the order is 'photo required'. Now, you tell me, if you were sitting outside and saw someone drive by your house, slow down or stop and take a picture, wouldn't you be wondering, what the hell-o? I would.

So, I was playing with the settings in action mode which has decent speed when the flash is off and found that this setting will allow you to use the burst mode or continuous feature. Here's the setup menu screen:

Under Drive Mode, switch from the 1 rectangular box icon to the 3 stacked rectangular boxes icon and you're in burst or continuous mode. Note that this feature does not work in Auto mode. This helps me since I can shoot several shots of the property while I'm driving by without stopping. I've been using this setup this week and haven't had any trouble with the aggravating shutter lag of the A520.

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