Sunday, January 07, 2007

HP and PayPerPost Scavenger Hunt

I have searched the world over and I can't seem to get my brain to contemplate where the hidden PayPerPost & HP puzzle pieces are, but I have found some exclusive pieces out there that weren't opps from PPP. Anyway, I have piece number 14 here for your viewing enjoyment.

You see, Veronique took a trip to Europe and brought back some photos that she took with her HP camera, because I think she's a Digital Camera Picture-takin' freak like me! The guys at PPP made her photos into a collage, split it into puzzle pieces (because those crazies at PPP do stuff like that), then posties like me scour the net looking for them (because us posties are crazy like that, too). The first one who reassembles the puzzle and takes the BIG OPP gets $1000 bucks (not so crazy, now are we?)!!!

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