Friday, September 07, 2007

speaking of work...

Not only was I evicted from my office this year, but once again was passed over and not invited to go with the group I work with to the annual Vegas trade show. I know I work in Quality, but wouldn't it be advantageous to have a QA rep at the show to absorb customer feedback and use that information to improve products and services? Nah, that would make too much sense.

I've never been to Vegas, never been in a casino (at least not a legal one), and have never seen the bright lights of the big city. I wonder where they'll stay? The Excalibur Las Vegas sure looks nice. I wonder if they have an Elvis impersonator on site?

I suppose I'm just bitter, but they say they dread going before they leave, but when they come back, they talk about all their fun and make little inside jokes to each other during meetings that no one else gets. They have to speak in code about their excursion since what goes on the road, stays on the road and what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Take me with you - I won't tell...

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